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Tyler County Sheriff's Office

The Criminal Investigations Division is under the direct supervision of the Chief Deputy and is comprised of 3 Investigators. The Criminal Investigations Division is responsible for the investigation of crimes against persons and property which lead beyond the reasonable investigatory capabilities of patrol. The Criminal Investigations Division processes crime scenes and collects evidence in major crimes. Tyler County Investigators are ready to respond at all hours to assist with investigations and the needs of crime victims.

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  • This contact form is not anonymous, so it does not constitute a Crime Stoppers Tip.

    To provide information about criminal activity while remaining anonymous and being eligible for a Crime Stoppers reward, click on the Crime Stoppers logo on this page or call 936-639-TIPS.


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Contact Us


Non-Emergency: (409) 283-2172
Corrections: (409) 283-6331
Fax: (409) 283-8656

Tyler County Sheriff's Office
702 N. Magnolia
Woodville, TX 75979