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Civil Department


Civil Court for April 10, 2024 @ 9:00 am has been canceled due to flooding roads in Tyler County and dangerous road conditions, per Judge Milton Powers. So sorry for the inconvenience.  Cases will be rescheduled. 


Janet Brown
Deputy Clerk
Civil Court/Probate Court

Phone:  (409) 283-2281
Fax:  (409) 283-8049
Email:  jbrown.cc@co.tyler.tx.us


Mrs. Brown has worked for Tyler County for over 20 years.  She started out in Adult Probation, then moved to the county clerks office.  She has been the Assistance Elections Administrator, the Assistant Voter Registrar, Ballots by Mail Clerk and is currently the Probate Clerk.  She and her husband, Brent have been married for over 30 years and currently reside in Warren.  She enjoys working in her yard and crocheting.  She loves spending time with her grandchildren.

Civil Case Information Sheet

    To obtain a copy of the Civil Case Information Sheet, click on the form to the left of this page, download and print.  You may submit the completed form by mail to:

    Tyler County Clerk
    116 South Charlton Street        
    Woodville, Texas  75979

or by email to:

Texas Judicial Branch Website
    (click here)