Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you


The Government Code of the Texas Statutes prohibits any employee in this office from giving any legal advice:

  • 81.101. DEFINITION.
  • In this chapter the “practice of law” means the preparation of a pleading or other document incident to an action or special proceeding or the management of the action or proceeding on behalf of a client before a judge in court as well as a service rendered out of court, including the giving of advice or the rendering of any service requiring the use of legal skill or knowledge, such as preparing a will, contract, or other instrument, the legal effect of which under the facts and conclusions involved must be carefully determined.
  • 81.102. STATE BAR MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person may not practice law in this state unless the person is a member of the state bar.Please do not ask legal advice of any of the employees in the Justice Court Office.  If you need assistance, refer to an Attorney. 

Thank you for your understanding



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